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Baer - Little Help

Baer - Little Help

There are many mysteries about food – who first discovered a fungus made wheat into bread? Who first boiled artichokes with lemon to make them edible? In this spot for Baer, from Swiss agency Ogilvy Schweiz, we discover the secret of what exactly makes their Camembert so special.

For the client and agency authenticity was key. The Baer house still exists and the exterior and environment are well-known in Switzerland. We also had to be very careful to re-create Lucerne in the 1930s, when the story takes place. Our solution was to create authentic exteriors and interiors in 3D and shoot green screen with a local cast.

So successful was the result, the agency even considered using the animatic for the broadcast commercial – a high compliment indeed. Almost as rewarding as the tasty cheese itself – which was certainly one bonus of the shoot!